مقرر (1112) ريض تفاضل وتكامل (1) جامعة الإمام محمد

المحاضر Raed Abu Al-Sabea
الجامعة جامعة الإمام محمد
350 ريال
البيانات التفصيلية للمقرر:
الشرح حسب الخطة
التوافق جميع المنصات
المحاضرات 456 محاضرة

محتوى المقرر

تم تغيير الرقم الى: 0554352759 رابط قروب الواتس اب: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BVgb2aiS1RMDlyFYSllgWz [[ CHAPTER 1 ]] 1.2 Concept of limit | 1.3 Computation of limits | 1.4. Continuity and its consequences | 1.5 Limits involving infinity; Asymptotes ]][[ CHAPTER 2 ]] 2.2 Derivative | 2.3. Computation of derivatives | 2.4 The product and Quotient rules 2.5 the Chain rule | 2.6 trigonometric functions | Exponential and logarithmic functions | 2.7 Implicit differentiation, and Inverse Trigonometric functions | 2.8 The mean Value Theorem ))[[ CHAPTER 3 ]] Indeterminate forms & I'Hopital's rule | 3.2 Maximum and Minimum | values ​​| 3.3 Increasing and decreasing functions | 3.4 Concavity&second derivative test | 3.6 Overview of curve sketching ]][[ CHAPTER 4 ]] 4.1 Antiderivatives | 14.3 Area (Riemann sum) | 4.4 The Definite Integral | 4.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus | 4.6 Integration by substitution ]]

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